Are Apprenticeships right for my company?
Based on information provided by The National Apprenticeship Service, “More than 100,000 employers, in over 160,000 workplaces, currently use Apprenticeships to attract new talent, re-skill existing staff and tackle skill shortages. “
An Apprenticeship is a structured training programme leading to recognised qualifications, that takes place as part of an employees job role. Employment is a fundamental part of an Apprenticeship. An apprentice must be employed in a job role with a productive purpose.
Apprenticeships are available to businesses of all sizes and from all sectors in England. TSP Learn offers a wide range of Apprenticeship training courses that can support your business.
Key Benefits:
- Reduce your training and recruitment costs
- Increase productivity and your bottom line
- Develop a skilled, motivated and qualified workforce
- Improve customer service results
- Provide financial return on investment.
The Bottom Line
Apprenticeships deliver real returns to your bottom line, helping to improve productivity and competitiveness. Training apprentices can also be more cost effective than hiring skilled staff, leading to lower overall training and recruitment costs.
Address your skills gaps
Apprenticeships deliver skills designed around your business needs providing the skilled workers you need for the future. They also help you develop the specialist skills you need to keep pace with the latest technology and working practices in your sector.
Engage and Motivate your workforce
Apprentices tend to be eager, motivated, flexible and loyal to the company that invested in them. Remember, an apprentice is with you because they want to be – they have made an active choice to learn on the job and a commitment to a specific career.
Take Your Next Steps
TSP Learn can support your business in a number of different ways:
- We provide experienced staff and tutors to develop and deliver your Apprenticeship training programme for your staff
- We provide comprehensive and innovative learning resources
- We can help advertise and recruit if you are looking for new staff for your Apprenticeship programmes, including use of the National Apprenticeship portal
- We can engage and support your existing staff if they are looking to join a programme to develop their skills
- We can help you gain access to funding support to run your training programmes